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Early Childhood Programs

For a complete listing of Early Childhood Programs, download our brochure.

**Please note that NNC staff can work with your group and are not just limited by what is listed. Bring your ideas to NNC and see what staff can help you achieve for your group.

Mammal Tracks

Ages: 2 and up

Limit: 25 students

Length: 1 hour


Make a plaster cast animal track to paint and take home.  Look at some animal photos.  Which ones are wild and which ones are domestic?


Where: Can be at your facility or at NNC.

When: Year-round


*Offered offsite

*Can be done in conjunction with Marvelous Mammals.

Marvelous Mammals

Ages: 2 and up

Limit: 25 students

Length: 1 hour

Have you ever wondered what a bear skin feels like? Have you ever felt a badger's claws? How big are a beaver’s teeth? Look at, touch, and study the pelts and skulls of our Wisconsin mammals.

When: Year-round

*Offered offsite

*Can be done in conjunction with Mammal Tracks

To Be A Tree

Ages: 3 and up

Limit: 25 students

Length: 1 hour

Children learn about trees by pretending to be a tree and gaining an awareness of the tree’s structure and function. Make a tree vest and do the Town and Country tree dance. 

When: Year-round

*Offered offsite

*Ask about our special tree snack

Puddle Watchers

Ages: 3 and up

Limit: 25 students

Length: 1 hour


Children explore the animals that are just below of the surface of our puddles and ponds. Look at tadpoles, back-swimmers, water boatmen, and many others through our viewers. 


April, May


Prairie Life

Ages: 3 and up

Limit: 25 students

Length: 1 hour

Look at pictures of prairie flowers and animals, or visit one of the Navarino prairies. Where are the animals? What do they eat? How long do they live? 

When: Year-round

© 2023 Navarino Nature Center

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