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For Elementary brochure

(Grades: K - 5), click here

School Programs

For Middle School brochure

(Grades: 6 - 8), click here

Forest Floor Study

Grades: K – 5th              

Limit: 50 students

Length: 1 – 2 hours 


Explore the most popular layer of the forest the forest floor.  Look for pillbugs, sowbugs, termites, ants, spiders and a host of other decomposers as you dig into leaf litter and fallen logs. Get a feel for decomposition, microhabitats and communities.



April, May, June, September, October



Pond Study

Grades: K - 5th

Limit: 50 students

Length: 1 - 1.5 hours

Ponds provide habitat to many aquatic invertebrates.  Don rubber boots and grab your net as we head into the pond near NNC and search for these tiny creatures. We will collect, study and observe their adaptations to live underwater.  How do aquatic invertebrates fit into the web of life?


When: April, May, June


Wetland Walk

Grades: K - 5th

Limit: 50 students

Length: 1 – 2.5 hours


Explore the various habitats of the Navarino Wildlife Area, including ponds, marshes, bogs and woodland swamps.  Observe some of the differences and similarities between the types of wetlands.  Find out about the history, value and importance of our wetlands and their future.


When: April, May, June, July

Prairie Study

Grades: K - 5th

Limit: 50 students

Length: 1 - 2 hours


Discover what it is like to stand in the middle of a tall grass prairie with grasses 8 ft tall.  Explore and identify the various types of grasses and flowers that make up our prairie. Help to collect seeds. Look for tree frogs, caterpillars and insect galls.  Learn about the history, management, and wildlife of the prairie.


When: August, September, October


Grades: K - 5th

Limit: 50 students

Length: 1 - 2 hours


Seeds are everywhere!  Learn about the many forms seeds can take, how seeds travel to new environments, and learn about special adaptations of seeds all while being immersed in the habitats surrounding NNC.


When: August, September, October

Insects &


Grades: K - 5th

Limit: 50 students

Length: 2 - 3 hours


Explore prairie, forest and pond habitats on the wildlife area.  Collect and classify various types of insects and invertebrates.  Discover what makes insects unique, and how vital they are to many other creatures’ existence.



April, May, June, July

Fire Building

Grades: 3rd - 5th

Limit: 50 students

Length: 1 - 2 hours


Students will learn the importance of fire for survival, things to consider when collecting items to make a fire, fire safety, and other methods to start a fire besides a match. This is a hands on true fire building opportunity that if students succeed they will have made their very own little fire.


When:  Year Round



Grades: 3rd - 5th

Limit: 50 students

Length: 1 - 2 hours


Learn the world of orienteering and compass work with this hands on opportunity. Students will interact with a compass, learn the parts of a compass, how to use a compass, take bearings, move with a compass and try their hand at our compass course.


When:  Spring, Summer, Fall



Grades: 3rd - 5th

Limit: 50 students

Length: 1 - 2 hours


Students learn to identify trees by bark, bud, leaves, fruit and nuts.  Determine the height of a tree, diameter, crown spread.   Also look at which areas of the forest provide the best cover and habitat for wildlife.  Find out about historical forestry activities, and use a 2 person cross-cut saw.



April, May, June, September, October

Explore Renewable Energy

Grades: K - 5th

Limit: 50 students

Length: 1 - 3 hours


Discover the possibilities of renewable energy, we will look at the nature center’s photovoltaic solar array, solar hot air heater, solar cooker, and geothermal heating / cooling system.  We will also explore  renewable energy through a variety of activities and student sized models including: solar cells, wind turbines, hand generators and more.   NNC staff will work to help match your renewable energy activities back to classroom lessons.


When: Year-round


Water Monitoring

Grades: 5th

Limit: 50 students

Length: 1 - 1.5 hours


Why is it necessary to test our water?  Bring several water samples and find out yourself by testing them for dissolved oxygen, nitrates, hydrogen sulfide, iron, and phosphates and more.  Is your water safe to drink, and safe for wildlife?


When: April, May, June, July, August, September


*Material Fee

Land Formations & Erosion

Grades: 3rd - 5th

Limit: 25 students

Length: 1 - 2 hours


Through a variety of different scenarios, students will be creating and witnessing the effect of erosion and land formation. Done in stations, students will explore the effects of erosion and how that helped to form the world we know today and erosions effects that continue to change their world.

*Material fee

When:  All Year


Marvelous Mammals

Grades: K – 5th

Limit: 25 students

Length: 1 - 2 hours


Have you ever wondered what a bear skin feels like? Ever feel a badger’s claws? How big are a beavers teeth?  Look at and touch study pelts. tracks, and skulls of our Wisconsin mammals. Make an animal track in class.


When: Year-round

*Offered offsite


Winter Wonderland

Grades: K – 5th

Limit: 50 students

Length: 1 – 3 hours


Look for wildlife tracks in the woods under the blanket of new fallen snow.  Tracks often seen include: turkey, otter, mice, deer, rabbit, squirrel and others.

Where do the wildlife go during the winter?  What do they do?  How do they keep warm?  Come and find out.


When: December, January, February, March

Winter Ecology

Grades: 5th

Limit: 50 students

Length: 2 - 3 hours


Everything looks different in the winter.  The landscape may look still but the wildlife is very active.  Explore and follow various animal tracks, and try to conclude information about the animal’s daily routine.  Look for signs of insect activity, dormant plants, and frost / ice development.  If snow conditions are right, students will study on snowshoes.


When: December, January, February, March


Grades: 3rd - 5th

Limit: 50 students

Length: 1 – 3 hours


Learn about the history of snowshoes, how they are made and why we snowshoe.  Follow the naturalist through the woods, wetlands and prairies of Navarino on snowshoes.  We will search for wildlife, as we float on top of the snow.


When: January, February


Raging Raptors

Grades: 3rd - 5th

Limit: 50 students

Length: 1 - 2 hours


Take flight with this great program designed around raptors. Using raptors, we will explore adaptations that these creatures have that allow them to survive in their different habitats. Through various hands on opportunities, students will learn about adaptations that make raptors a unique bird species to explore such as wings, feathers, beaks, talons, and more. Plenty of touch and feel chances! Students will also be able to dissect an owl pellet to see what an owl has eaten. Great lesson that can be adapted to ecosystems as well.

*Material Fee

When:  All Year


Shelter Building

Grades: K - 5th

Limit: 50 students

Length: 1 - 2 hours


By far one of our most popular lessons, where students work in teams to create their very own survival shelter in the surrounding woods of NNC. They learn team work as they gather natural materials to make a shelter that they can all fit in and learn the importance of shelters and things to consider in a survival situation.


When:  All Year



Who wants to be a


Grades: 3rd - 5th

Limit: 25 students

Length: 1 hour


Find out more about birds & birding by participating in a quiz game.  Just like on TV you have a 50/50, Ask the Audience, and Ask the Teacher.  We will also look at various birds and hear their calls, and special adaptations that birds have: feathers, hollow bones, beaks / bills, just to name a few.


When: Year-round

*Offered offsite


Wind Wise

Grades: 4th - 5th

Limit: 25 students

Length: 1 - 2 hours


Explore the world of renewable energy with this hands on opportunity for students. Students become engineers and work in teams to create, develop, and test their own wind turbines to see if their design can create energy. This program is a great introduction into the engineering side of renewable energy.


When:  All Year


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